Trade Talks
197. Moving workers across Europe
How the European Union’s controversial “posting” policy impacted the movement of workers as well as local communities across the continent.
Trade Talks
196. How multinationals avoid taxes through technology licensing
Companies can avoid taxes by moving profits from IP royalties offshore. What would happen if that changed?
Trade Talks
195. How did Canadian workers adjust so well to US trade?
Canadian workers faced new competition after the sudden free trade agreement with the US in 1989. Why were they able to adjust so successfully?
Trade Talks
194. Industrial policy detectives: China's subsidies for shipbuilding
A new way to measure China’s subsidies for shipbuilding reveals how much they transformed the industry for the country and world.
Trade Talks
193. Did multinationals enforce Bangladesh’s new labor law?
Following the Rana Plaza factory collapse, foreign companies promised to enforce Bangladesh’s new labor law. What happened next?
Trade Talks
192. Will more farm trade cause more deforestation?
As trade with farm exporting countries expands, governments must also consider how to prevent deforestation.
Trade Talks
191. Brazil’s trade opening and its toll on workers and crime
How Brazil’s trade liberalization of the 1990s led to unexpected and lasting impacts on workers and a temporary rise in violence.
Trade Talks
190. Climate change, floods, and the future of auto supply chains
What consumers can expect from auto companies investing in supply chain resilience as weather disasters loom.
Trade Talks
189. South Korea’s controversial industrial policy
How South Korea’s Heavy and Chemical Industry Drive policy of 1973-79 worked and may have contributed to its economic rise.
Trade Talks
188. Did responsible sourcing by multinationals help workers in poor countries?
What happened to workers and others in Costa Rica when global companies imposed new responsible sourcing codes of conduct on their suppliers.