Trade Talks
Trade Talks
141. Britain’s Trade Policy, 1815-2016

From Corn Laws to Imperial Preferences to joining the EEC, Britain’s current trade policy conundrum has echoes from the past.

Trade Talks
Trade Talks
140. Is shipping ship-shape?

Containerized shipping is an odd business in normal times. What happens when you add a pandemic and a trade war?

Trade Talks
Trade Talks
139. How Technology Enabled Trade: Digitization and Offshoring

At the turn of the century, electronic communication suddenly helped firms fragment production, but only some went overseas.

Trade Talks
Trade Talks
138. Trade and the worst financial crisis of the century—in 1866

London’s central role in 19th century trade finance meant that its bank failure had effects for decades.

Trade Talks
Trade Talks
137. Imbalances, Inequality, and Trade

China, the US and Germany each suffer from inequality and trade imbalances. Their linkages, and how policymakers try to fix them.

Trade Talks
Trade Talks
136. Vaccine economics, and why we need trade to end the pandemic

Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala explains one way to solve the economic problem of how to manufacture and globally distribute a vaccine.

Trade Talks
Trade Talks
135. All you need to know about the race to lead the WTO

What people want from the next leader of the World Trade Organization.

Trade Talks
Trade Talks
134. Opportunities and setbacks for Black workers in the 20th century

Economic gains for America’s Black workers stalled in the 1970s. The role of migration, policy and trade.

Trade Talks
Trade Talks
133. How one man and some metal boxes revolutionized global trade

Malcom McLean spurred containerized shipping in the 1950s. The impact on people, ports, cities and, of course, trade, was massive.

Trade Talks
Trade Talks
132. US-China Trade War: The Negotiators

How the people Presidents Trump and Xi tapped to negotiate helped shape the US-China trade relationship over 2017-2020.