Trade Talks
103: US-China Trade War from the Trenches
The annual US-China Business Council survey of members paints an interesting picture of American companies operating in China.
Trade Talks
102: Is Trump Beating the Chinese Economy?
Nicholas Lardy explains how the Chinese economy is faring thus far during the trade war.
Trade Talks
101: Huawei, National Security, and the Trade War
Yuan Yang explains the Chinese telecom equipment maker’s role in the US-China trade war and concerns over national security.
Trade Talks
100: Sneaking Up on a No-Deal Brexit
Anand Menon joins to update developments on Britain’s plan to leave the European Union.
Trade Talks
99: The Surprising Story of the US Trade Deficit with South Korea
Kadee Russ explains why the US trade imbalance with South Korea expanded after their trade agreement went into effect.
Trade Talks
98: What’s Wrong with Germany’s Trade Surplus?
Jeromin Zettelmeyer explains Germany’s export competitiveness and why concerns over its trade surplus derive from somewhere else.